Adam Selvidge
“Star Trek Discovery: The Girl Who Made the Stars” Review by Treknews.net
Treknews.net has added a new review for Brandon Schultz and Robb Pearlman's "Star Trek Discovery: The Girl Who Made the Stars".
Two New Star Trek: Prodigy books announced!
TrekCentral is passing on the information that there are now two upcoming Star Trek: Prodigy books, “Star Trek: Prodigy: A Dangerous Trade” by Cassandra Rose...
2022 Dragon Awards Nominees
The 2022 Dragon Award Nominees have been released and two Star Trek books are included: Star Trek: Coda: Oblivion’s Gate by David Mack Star Trek:...
Happy National Vinyl Day
Today’s National Vinyl Day! Trek has had it’s share of stories on vinyl, from the Book and Record sets to the Read-Along Adventures.
Tuesday Trekkin’: Favorite “Behind-the-Scenes” Trek books!
Yep, it’s Tuesday. A check of my blog tells me it’s been a little over a month or so since my last entry in this...