Adam Selvidge
“Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Illustrated Handbook: Featuring the Space Station Deep Space Nine and the U.S.S. Defiant” Review by Treksphere.com
Treksphere.com has added a new review for Ben Robinson and Simon Hugo's "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Illustrated Handbook: Featuring the Space Station Deep Space...
KRAD COVID readings #94e: Star Trek: S.C.E.: Invincible Book 2, Part 5
For 2021, KRAD COVID readings is covering the only short fiction I didn’t read in 2020: my novellas for the Star Trek: Starfleet Corps of Engineers series, a monthly...
Una McCormack on Trek.report discussing “To Boldly”
Una McCormack was recently featured on Trek.report to discuss To Boldly: If you’ve read any novels that involve the Star Trek Universe recently, you may...
J.M. Dillard on Trek.report discussing “Star Trek”
J.M. Dillard was recently featured on Trek.report to discuss Star Trek: Chances are that you’ve seen her work on bookshelves, and you might have read...
“Star Trek: A Contest of Principles” Review by Anchor.fm
Anchor.fm has added a new review for Greg Cox's "Star Trek: A Contest of Principles".
“Star Trek: The Lost Years” Review by Trek.fm
Trek.fm has added a new review for J.M. Dillard's "Star Trek: The Lost Years".
“Star Trek: The Next Generation: 9 A Time For War, A Time For Peace” Review by Motionpicturescomics.com
Motionpicturescomics.com has added a new review for Keith R.A. DeCandido's "Star Trek: The Next Generation: 9 A Time For War, A Time For Peace".
Jenny Parks on Enterprisingindividuals.com discussing “Star Trek Cats”
Jenny Parks was recently featured on Enterprisingindividuals.com to discuss Star Trek Cats: Artist Jenny Parks joins the show this week to talk about Star Trek...
Out Today: “Star Trek, History and Us: Reflections of the Present and Past Throughout the Franchise”
Out today is another Essays On Star Trek book, titled “Star Trek, History and Us: Reflections of the Present and Past Throughout the Franchise“, by...
KRAD COVID reading #94d: Star Trek: S.C.E.: Invincible Book 2, Part 4
For 2021, KRAD COVID readings is covering the only short fiction I didn’t read in 2020: my novellas for the Star Trek: Starfleet Corps of Engineers series, a monthly...